Stick to routines It can be helpful to stick to routines when trying to instill good habits. Routines help to make things feel more comfortable and familiar, which can make it easier to stick to good habits. Try to establish a regular routine for things like waking up, going to bed, and eating meals. Once you have a routine in place, it will be easier to add new habits into the mix. Start small When you’re first starting out, it’s important to start small. Trying to make too many changes at once can be overwhelming and make it more likely that you’ll give up. Choose one or two habits that you want to focus on, and slowly add more as you get used to the new routine. Find a support system It can be helpful to find a support system when trying to instill new habits. Find someone who is also trying to make a change, and talk to them about your struggles and successes. It can be very helpful to hire a coach. Someone that will hold you accountable, and offer guidance and support. Create a plan When you’re trying to change your habits, it’s important to have a plan. Figure out what you want to do, and then break it down into small, manageable steps. Having a plan will make it easier to stay on track, and you’ll be less likely to give up. Set a goal Setting a goal can help you stay motivated when trying to change your habits. Make sure your goal is realistic, and make a plan for how you’re going to reach it. Having a goal to work towards will make it easier to stick to your new habits. Pen to paper can be so helpful for this particular step! Be patient Changing your habits takes time, so it’s important to be patient. It can be tempting to give up when you’re not seeing results right away, but it takes time to form new habits. Stick with it, and eventually, the new habits will become second nature. Thanks so much for reading this all the way through until the end! For that I would love to offer you 3 FREE 20 minute coaching sessions. Just mention HABITS under special word when booking your first coaching session.
The way we eat and the way we live our lives, are based on the choices we make. Often times we know which choices we should be making, however our habits and routines can keep us from choosing the right ones.
In order to make changes to our routines (or habits) and to make better choices, we have to make continual and gradual shifts. I think the best way to see to these “shifts” is to do some goal setting. However, I think even before setting our goals, we have to have a vision. Vision statements are important because they help establish the purpose for our goals. A vision statements should be stated in the present tense, as though the vision is already happening. They should be viewed on a daily basis, so we continually strive for our desires. It is important that the vision statement be written in our own voice. The more we connect our values and motivators to our written vision statement, the more successful we will be making it become our reality. Here’s what some sentences from a vision statement may sound like, “I am feeling more energetic and alert, and I am able to do my daily workout after work.” “I feel great. I have lost 20 lbs. and I am looking great in all my new clothes.” “I am more balanced with my emotions. I am feeling less anxious and stressed about work.” “I am getting plenty of sleep, and thus I am able to wake up refreshed.” “I am healthy and strong. I am no longer tempted to eat the foods that drain my energy.” “I am eating well and fitting in exercise 3 to 4 times a week. My cholesterol numbers are down and I don’t need to take medication.” “My work stuff is so organized that I am finding more time to hang with my kids.” “I have more time in the evenings to fully relax and do things that I really enjoy, like painting and reading.” Your vision statement should be about five to ten sentences long and it should be about the things that matter to you. Start to think about how you want your life to look like and be. Consider your health, your relationships, your career, your emotions, your interests and all the things that would help to make you healthy and happy. It’s time to start living your dream! |
It's a blog...I am a fanatic when it comes to uncovering the truths and the falsities to sound nutrition and good health. When we use a little common sense we can back up anything, yet there is always room for debate. Archives
January 2023