![]() Let’s start with the Gluten. What is gluten anyways? Gluten is one of many things. First and foremost it is a protein substance found in wheat and other grains. It is also considered a “glue” like substance that helps to give flour a dough like texture. So if it’s a protein and it helps to make bread maintain a soft and chewy texture, then why not increase the gluten in the grain products that naturally contain gluten. More protein? Softer bread? Why not? Well, that is what some seed manufactures have done. They have hybridized wheat and other grain seeds to have a higher gluten content. You have probably heard the saying that “too much of a good thing can be a bad thing,” right? I am no scientist or Doctor, but I can make a guess that are bodies are not liking all this “extra” gluten. It makes me wonder if all this “extra” gluten is playing a part in mucking up out mucosal lining of our intestine. Studies point in that direction, especially if one already has a pre-existing auto-immune condition (i.e. Hasimotos, arthritis, lupus, etc.) Why are we giving our bodies an onslaught of something Mother Nature had perfectly measured out? Remember more is not always better! You see, if the body ingest too much of something or something it does not recognize as a good thing, your body will treat that substance as a foreign invader and will try to attack it. “Attacking” it can wreak havoc on the body, as in all auto-immune cases. Could your gluten sensitivity have something to do with how the wheat is harvested? It’s amazing to me all the little dirty secrets the food producers don’t tell us! A couple of weeks before the Combine hits the field to harvest the wheat, a dousing of the herbicide Round-Up is applied. Why? Because when wheat dies it produces more seeds, so by artificially “killing” the wheat, one yields a larger harvest of seeds. Also, the Round-Up takes care of the seeds that are ripening at a slower pace than the rest of the crop. Early harvest! Bigger yields! Sounds a bit like how the meat industry fattens up cows to yield quicker and more profitable beef from the cow. Ugh! You can read more about this nasty process at The Healthy Home Economist. Sarah is great at telling it like it is! I have also heard that because the wheat has a higher gluten content, which can cause the wheat to “gum-up” the combines, killing the wheat first can help make the wheat less sticky. So folks, lets protect our health and start voting with our folks and our pocket books, and make healthy choices by learning the facts! Happy eating! Any digestive issues for you? Schedule a free one hour consultation with me! I would be happy to hear your story and give you some suggestions!
It's a blog...I am a fanatic when it comes to uncovering the truths and the falsities to sound nutrition and good health. When we use a little common sense we can back up anything, yet there is always room for debate. Archives
January 2023