The way we eat and the way we live our lives, are based on the choices we make. Often times we know which choices we should be making, however our habits and routines can keep us from choosing the right ones.
In order to make changes to our routines (or habits) and to make better choices, we have to make continual and gradual shifts. I think the best way to see to these “shifts” is to do some goal setting. However, I think even before setting our goals, we have to have a vision. Vision statements are important because they help establish the purpose for our goals. A vision statements should be stated in the present tense, as though the vision is already happening. They should be viewed on a daily basis, so we continually strive for our desires. It is important that the vision statement be written in our own voice. The more we connect our values and motivators to our written vision statement, the more successful we will be making it become our reality. Here’s what some sentences from a vision statement may sound like, “I am feeling more energetic and alert, and I am able to do my daily workout after work.” “I feel great. I have lost 20 lbs. and I am looking great in all my new clothes.” “I am more balanced with my emotions. I am feeling less anxious and stressed about work.” “I am getting plenty of sleep, and thus I am able to wake up refreshed.” “I am healthy and strong. I am no longer tempted to eat the foods that drain my energy.” “I am eating well and fitting in exercise 3 to 4 times a week. My cholesterol numbers are down and I don’t need to take medication.” “My work stuff is so organized that I am finding more time to hang with my kids.” “I have more time in the evenings to fully relax and do things that I really enjoy, like painting and reading.” Your vision statement should be about five to ten sentences long and it should be about the things that matter to you. Start to think about how you want your life to look like and be. Consider your health, your relationships, your career, your emotions, your interests and all the things that would help to make you healthy and happy. It’s time to start living your dream!
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I’m pretty sure we are all pretty familiar with the slogan “bet you can’t eat just one,” from Lay’s potato chip brand. Sadly they are right. They have concocted such an edible substance with so much science behind the validity of that slogan. They have added just the right amount of additives to keep you coming back for more. Matter a fact, as I write this blog…I have a craving for some right now. Ugh! As I am sure you are aware, these substances that try to make processed foods more like real food, aren’t very healthy for us. Many of the chemical additives accumulate in our fatty tissues, and if eaten every day, can result in a plethora of diseases and ill-health. It’s time to clean out our pantry! Ready, set, go….here’s your list. 1. Sodium Nitrite or Nitrate 2. BHA and BHT (Butylated Hyroxyanisole and Butlated Hydroxytoluene) 3. Propyl Gallate 4. MSG. This is disguise under many names, such as, natural flavorings, spices, seasoning, and hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP); to name just a few. 5. Hydrogenated or Partially Hydrogenated vegetable oils 6. Aspertame (Nutrasweet and Egual) 7. Acesulfame-K (Sunett and Sweet One) 8. Food Colorings (the ones with the numbers!) 9. Olestra 10. Potassium Bromate 11. High-Fructose Corn Syrup 12. Sodium Chloride (Table Salt) 13. Sulfites 14. Evaporated Cane Juice (raises blood sugar, leading to increase in fat) List courtesy of “The Gorgeously Green Diet,” by Sophie Uliano So copy and paste this list…then print it out, walk to your kitchen pantry, look at all the labels and start your detective work. Then repeat the steps for your refrigerator and your freezer. Or hire me and I will come do it for you. I will discuss alternatives to some of your…”I can’t throw these out, I love them” foods. I will also kindly remind you of all the detrimental effects that these chemicals have on our bodies, if you so desire to hear them. This might be hard at first, but keep in mind that this is not just a healthy diet change, it’s a “way of life” change as well. --Be well nourished and eat whole foods! |
It's a blog...I am a fanatic when it comes to uncovering the truths and the falsities to sound nutrition and good health. When we use a little common sense we can back up anything, yet there is always room for debate. Archives
January 2023